Diversity & Inclusion at Uniglobe Travel

We believe in the power of travel - to transform, to delight, to educate and to grow.  Through travel we can learn about other cultures, people and ways to life.  Our hope is that these explorations can help people become more accepting and welcoming of those who do not look, think or act like them.   

Around the World

Since 2005, Uniglobe has been a supporter of Plan International whose mission is to advance children's right and equality for girls. Between 2010 and 2018, our efforts were focussed on Plan's campaign "Because I am a Girl", helping to build dormitories to make it easier for girls to attend school. Our recent fundraising has been in support of Plan's work to build schools in refugee camps in Ethiopia for refugees from South Sudan. Learn more about our community involvement.

Happening Now

In May/June 2020, as the world was hopefully looking to emerge from the lockdown from Covid-19, the tragic death of George Floyd reminded so many of the injustice and racism present in our societies.  We recognize that while the spotlight currently focuses on events in the U.S., the racism underlying them is not new nor limited to one country. It has been happening for far too long and will continue until our societies can make substantive change.
We don’t have the answers, but are committed to join those who seek a better way and a better world. In support of that goal, we encourage you to take a hard look in your community to understand the inequality, prejudice and discrimination that exists - and then find and support those organizations that are working to correct them.

In the US, consider donating to:

Globally, consider:


Diversity & inclusion are values that are important to us - but we know we're not perfect.  If you have a comment, suggestion or concern about our approach to diversity & inclusion, we welcome your feedback.  Please email us with your thoughts.